Fox Trot Farm

Grass Fed Lamb and Fresh Eggs from our Happy Hens

Ingredients for Fox Trot Farm Dog Food
Ingredients for Fox Trot Farm Dog Food

Packaged Lamb Price List 2024


***Taking Preorders for late September/early October. Call or email before 8/31/24 to order an entire lamb.***

Time to Preorder!

It’s that time of year again when we are preparing to restock our farm store freezers. We know that so many of you have been waiting for this, and you’ll be pleased to find that we’ve done our best to keep our prices as low as we can to help you fill your freezers. Don’t forget to stock up on your favorite Fox Trot Farm lamb for your holiday meals for the coming year because, once we sell out, we won’t be restocking again until next fall. Just give us a call or text or email to reserve your order and we’ll call you when it’s ready!

Our Lamb: Fox Trot Farm lamb is grass-fed and pasture-raised in the fresh air and sunshine of our 47 acre farm in the rolling hills of Lancaster County, South Carolina. They are from a small flock of a breed of sheep that is specially bred to produce lean, mild, tender, and juicy meat. Fox Trot Farm is registered and inspected by the state of South Carolina and the meat is inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture at a certified humane facility for public sales from our farm and to restaurants and farmers markets.  Please call or email for availability before you come to buy.  803-804-3541;

Frenched Racks $29/lb. (9 rib) (grilling, frying, roasting)
Loin Chops $25/lb. (2 per pack, approximately 1 1/4″ thick) (grilling, frying)
Legs, Bone-in $16/lb. (Grilling, roasting, cutting for making kabobs)
Shanks, $16/lb. (2 per pack) (braising, stewing, roasting)
Kabob/Stew $16/lb. (approximately 1 lb. packs) (Kabobs, grilling, stew, soup)
White Wine & Garlic Sausage $14.50/lb. (1 lb. pack, looks like bratwurst) (frying, grilling, stir fry, pizza, pasta sauces)
Ground $13/lb. (approximately 1 lb. packs) (burgers, meatballs, meatloaf, pasta sauces, Shepherd’s Pie, etc.)
Neck Roast $13/lb. (braising, stewing)
Bones/Ribs $4.50/lb. (great for making bone broth!)
Offal $4.50/lb. (frying, roasting, curries, paté)

Entire Lamb (includes all cuts, sausage, soup bones, and offal)
Lamb: $385
Processor’s fee: $85 plus $1.30/lb. packaging based on carcass weight

Call, email, or text to preorder and we’ll contact you when your order is ready for you for pickup here at the farm or at a convenient drop off location in Union or Lancaster County. Contact: or 803-804-3541.

Lamb is Lean
 – On average, a three ounce serving of lamb has only 175 calories and meets the FDA definition for lean. According to FDA guidelines, lean meat has less than 10 grams of fat, less than 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams or 3.5 oz. It is also an excellent source of protein, vitamins B12, niacin, zinc, and selenium and a good source of iron and riboflavin. So if health is important to you, this is the meat for you!


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