Fox Trot Farm

Grass Fed Lamb and Fresh Eggs from our Happy Hens


Hobart and his Flock

Our Anatolian Shepherd, Hobart, watches over his flock, protecting his sheep from predators night and day.

Fox Trot Farm is located in the rolling hills of Lancaster County, South Carolina. Our 47 beautiful acres are crossed by streams and studded with ponds. Forested acres border lush, green pastures. We have been a farm since 1985, raising a variety of animals throughout the years.

Sheep: We raise Dorper/Katahdin cross sheep on our farm. They are a breed of meat sheep known as “hair sheep” due to their ability to shed their coats in the spring and summer. Their meat is lean, mild, and tender. We currently maintain a breeding flock of an average of 30 or so ewes and three rams. Once lambing is underway, the flock numbers grow exponentially…each ewe usually gives birth to twins or triplets. Lambs are processed when they are 80-130 pounds and less than a year old. Ewe lambs are often kept here on the farm to enrich our flock. We do not sell sheep for breeding or whole animals for slaughter on our farm or by any processor other than our selected certified humane and USDA inspected facility.

Chickens: We maintain a large flock of laying hens to sell colorful blue and brown eggs to the public. Our chickens are large, healthy representatives of several colorful breeds, and they enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while they forage in a large open area in the pasture. We collect baskets of eggs daily and wash them thoroughly before refrigerating them. Safe handling ensures that our customers have excellent quality eggs.

Livestock Guardian Dogs: We have two breeds of these big dogs: two Anatolian Shepherds and one Maremma. They are bonded to their sheep and protect them from coyotes, feral dogs, and even hawks, owls, and bald eagles, which prey on young lambs.

Historic Log Cabin: Visitors will be interested to see the historic 18th century log cabin on our farm. It is original to this area and was built by the first landowner of this property.

Tours: While we no longer offer public tours of our farm, we do sell our meat and eggs here at our farm market. Please contact us first if you are planning to stop by.

Farm Market: Packaged lamb cuts are for sale until sold out (we are currently sold out till October). We have the meat processed at a certified humane, USDA inspected facility. We always have our fresh eggs for sale. Please contact us if you would like to stop by.

Contact: Bob & Debbie Burgess, Fox Trot Farm, 5066 Rowell RD, Lancaster, SC 29720
                   Phone or text: 803-804-3541


Browning Lamb Meatballs in a Skillet

Lamb Meatballs from our Ground Lamb


Fox Trot Farm Eggs

Clean eggs ready for your kitchen






  1. Just met you at the Matthew’s Farmers Market. I am excited to try the lamb we purchased and also excited to visit the farm.

  2. Do you sell miniature horses. Do you have one for sale?

  3. Hi Deborah- and chance you guys sell Ewe’s milk? I want to try to make some peccorino romano and I understand you use Ewe’s milk for it.

  4. I’m looking to purchase some goats. Do you have goats for sale. If not is there a farm near Lancaster that sells goats.

  5. So enjoyed the MIG feature. Hoping my Grand Children ( girls ages 7 and 14 ) and I will be able to visit in early Fall. Will check website for your hours.
    We are SO fortunate to have you and yours in South Carolina. The farm, the animals, the bees and all of the delightful products you offer are a blessing . Thank you for making our world a nicer place.
    Most Sincerely,

  6. My son and I watch Making it grow every Tue. and were happy to see your farm right here in Lancaster. We like to see happenings so near and would love to visit. Your animals look interesting, we don’t see too many sheep, nor raised to eat sheep. But we are excited to get started on something new and different. Love farm life every day. Brenda Horne

  7. Hello!
    Can you please tell me what your chickens eat? Is their feed GMO free?

    • Our chickens eat a laying ration that provides them will all the nutrients they need to lay beautiful, quality eggs. We feed them scratch grains and all the fresh greens and insects they can forage for. Non-GMO feed is very expensive and most of my customers would not want to pay as much for eggs as I would have to ask were I to buy that specialized feed.

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