Fox Trot Farm

Grass Fed Lamb and Fresh Eggs from our Happy Hens

Let’s Talk Dream Trucks!


When my niece was little, she used to say, “It’s hotter than blue blazers!” Today was one of those “blue blazer” days, but we still had a great time showing a family around the farm. I hope you notice that we had a princess visit us today (see the photo below). We have lots of princesses come visit Fox Trot Farm these days! The children got to pet the lambs, see the big guardian dogs and the small border collies, and they picked up eggs straight from the hen house. Then their grandma bought a honey bear jar filled with raw honey for their biscuits in the morning. Yum!


Now let’s talk about dream trucks! You know that every farmer needs a truck, and for years Farmer Bob has used this big Dodge Ram truck for bird hunting and an old little green truck for the farm. Now he’s decided to sell the big truck and the little old truck and buy Farmer Debbie her very own “Debbie Friendly” truck!

(This is the Dodge Hemi, and if you’re interested in buying it, here’s the Craigs List post that will answer any questions you might have. It really is a very nice truck.)


I didn’t know that my dream truck would be this Chevy Colorado, but I’ve been driving it for a couple weeks now and I love it! It’s so easy for me to get up into the bed and load with all my honey bee stuff, and yesterday I loaded the kennel crates and border collies into it for their trip to the vet for shots. It’s smooth riding and great for trips to the grocery store, too. Many thanks to Marsh at H&H Chevrolet in Kershaw for helping us find the perfect truck and giving us superior service. Farmer Bob says that I do have to loan it to him for his bird hunting expeditions, though. HA! Here’s the new truck on its first beekeeping expedition to Old McCaskill Farm in Rembert.


Now, if we can just find Farmer Bob his dream truck! Here he is with what he wants (but that one wasn’t for sale) so, if you can give us a lead, then please let us know. Wouldn’t that look great driving up the lane at Fox Trot Farm? 

Red Truck

Even though it’s hotter than blue blazers, our hens are still laying like crazy! Granny Bee’s Bakery is in full swing, and you can get baked goods, raw honey, eggs, and more at our weekly farm market on Sundays from 1:00-5:00 p.m. We set up in the garage with all my beekeeping equipment and quilts, and you can find us at 5066 Rowell RD, Lancaster, SC. There’s a sign in the yard and we’re easy to find! 🙂





  1. Love your new truck Debbie! Have fun with it. Tell Bob once he finds that cool old truck of his that you 2 have to come up for the Woodward Dream Cruise and show it off!

  2. Oh, how I wish you could, too! Maybe you can come to our quilting retreat in April 2017?????

  3. Wish I could drop in, would love to see the farm, the animals, the trucks and your lovely quilts Deb!

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