Fox Trot Farm

Grass Fed Lamb and Fresh Eggs from our Happy Hens

Here, chick, chick, chick!


This has been a beautiful and very busy spring on Fox Trot Farm. Farmer Bob built a new house for our chickens that are half way grown between biddy size and laying size. We are calling the new house the “Halfway House” and our young chickens love it! Here are some pictures. I think he did a great job and the chickens agree!

Halfway House Young Chickens

Inside the Halfway House

Halfway House

Halfway House on Fox Trot Farm


Soon we will be adding fifteen young Americaunas (that lay the blue eggs) to our flock, so we’ll have more than three dozen laying hens, which means a very good supply of beautiful eggs for our customers. Now that our biddies are larger, we’ve expanded their range with portable electronet. They are free ranging now and are safely protected from predators, and they are growing fast!

I love doing business with small farmers, so I bought these chickens as biddies from a young man who was raising chickens to sell to start his college fund. Since then, I added seven that I hatched in an incubator (that’s a lot of work!), and a girlfriend gave me three hens her husband had bought as biddies for their grandchildren at Easter. Those cute little baby chicks from Tractor Supply do tend to grow into big chickens! Here is one of the pretty hens I bought from that young man.

Young Hen

Pretty Young Hen on Fox Trot Farm


He thought he was selling me all pullets (the females) but, if you look at the next picture, you’ll see that some are almost ready to start crowing. Yikes!

Young Rooster

Rooster Surprise!


What a beautiful rooster he is!






























  1. The house is beautiful! I can’t imagine a hen who wouldn’t love it! Great job Farmer Bob!!!!:):)

    The ladies are lovely and you know they need a man for protection…I’m sure you will keep him, right? I AM talking about the Rooster:)

    • I wish I could keep all the roosters but the poor hens would be pestered to death, so he’s going to freezer camp soon. I have two big roosters and two are enough, according to the hens!

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